Trial Tree View

I am text above. I am text above. I am text above. I am text above. I am text above. I am text above. I am text above. I am text above. I am text above.

Directory Tree
├── index.html
├──  css/
│   ├──  fonts.css
│   └──  style.css
├──  fonts/
│   ├──  PlayfairDisplay-Black.ttf
│   ├──  PlayfairDisplay-BlackItalic.ttf
│   ├──  PlayfairDisplay-Bold.ttf
│   ├──  PlayfairDisplay-BoldItalic.ttf
│   ├──  PlayfairDisplay-Italic.ttf
│   └──  PlayfairDisplay-Regular.ttf
├──  images/
│   ├──  logo.png
│   └──  profile.jpg
├──  media/
│   ├──  audio/
│   │   └──  song.mp3
│   ├──  documents/
│   └──  video/
│       └──  movie.mp4
├──  pages/
│   ├──  about.html
│   ├──  contact.html
│   └──  services.html
└──  scripts/
    └──  main.js

I am text below and above.

<p>I am text in a code block</p>

I am text below and above. I am text below and above. I am text below and above. I am text below and above. I am text below and above. I am text below and above. I am text below and above. I am text below and above.

p {
  color: pink;